Saturday, March 8, 2014

IBISINNO Working Day 07.03 Notes and Photos

Today we discussed about the underlying problems in Turun Joukkoliikenne.

In 5 minutes:
three underlying problems in our problem (people are accustomed to driving cars)

-        you missed the bus/there is not a bus going at that time you need it
-        price & comfort
-        attitude/culture of driving
-        too many parking places
-        everything is too close/far
-        the only service a bus offers you is that it takes you from place A to place B
-        wheather/air condition
-        impossible to follow the bus schedule/where the bus is
-        no-one likes to wait, not even 10 minutes
-        equality
-        no special efforts
-        tight labour laws
-        you not allowed to smoke in buses
-        the alternatives are too cheap compared with buses
-        ”busrules”
-        poor selection of seats
-        servicequality/manners of drivers
-        lack of lobbying
-        lack of space for bags/luggage
-        it´s too dangerous/no seatbelts
-        lack of implementing the existing ideas
-        lack of profit motive
-        busstops

Buses go only from place A to place B

-        the core service too limited
-        the value is too low/similar
-        fixed routes
-        the customer can not influence A and B
-        no extra service like coffee, massage chairs etc.

Goverment mandate, how much do they have freedom?, courage, money, stucked with old habits

Is change good? Do we need a change? Those who decide don´t use it because it only goes from A to B.

 It´s too big organisation and the organisation is working quite okay and they dont´t any competitors.

Why don´t we know about their perspective and hopes/wishes?


Ideation about safety with user personas:

Baby Ben: screams a lot, cannot walk or talk, has no income, travels everywhere with his mother and friends (other babies with other mums), smells, takes a lot of space in the bus and mum needs to stand with him, annoys the bus driver and other customers

Sally Seven-Year-Old: uses the bus on weekdays when going to school, has her own buscard, only uses one-two routes, travels alone or with classmates, doesn´t quite know how to behave when she gets excited, don´t know the traffic rules so well, she´s small so the driver can´t see her standing on a bus stop, she might play and miss the bus herself

Harry in the Hurry: a 45 year old man, dangerously overweighted and he takes two seats at the bus, always in hurry, runs to the bus/bus stop, gets easily irritated by others, can´t afford own car, he always has a suitcase and takeaway coffee with him and he does not know where to put them inside the bus

Ritva the Tired and Retired: a 79 year old woman, uses a rollator walker and needs to take that into the bus, doesn´t see or hear so well, she is treally slow in her moves, doesn´t react that quickly

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